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Listings: 1 to 40 of 40
 HOLIDAY BUNDLE - John Clark's World and Newport, Rhode Island Colonial Burial Grounds
Extended through February!
Explore the fascinating world of colonial Newport, Rhode Island in these two handsome volumes which would be of interest to anyone with early "East Bay" Rhode Island roots. The set includes John Clark's World by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg FASG and Judith Crandall Harbold, 2018, Rhode Island Genealogical Society, Hope, R.I. Newport, Rhode Island Colonial Burial Grounds by John Eylers Sterling, Barbara J. Austin, and Letty Champion; ed.Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG, 546 pages, 2009. The special price of $30 is available for a limited time while supplies last!
Last Updated: 8 January 2025 [Located in Category: Special Offers]
 Warwick, Rhode Island Taxes: 1779 Estimates of Rateable Estate and the 1798 Direct Tax
Warwick, Rhode Island Taxes: 1779 Estimates of Rateable Estate and the 1798 Direct Tax
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG, and Diane MacLean Boumenot, CG, Published by the Rhode Island Genealogical Society, 2024, paperback, 6 x 9, 195 pages, indexed. ISBN 978-0-9827665-5-2.
RIGS has published a new book, Warwick, Rhode Island Taxes: 1779 Estimates of Rateable Estate and the 1798 Direct Tax providing transcriptions of two early tax assessments in Warwick. Authored by Cherry Bamberg, FASG and Diane Boumenot, CG, the book offers introductions to the record sets, meticulous transcriptions, and thorough indexing of these historical records spanning a fascinating era—from the turbulence of the Revolutionary War to the period of early statehood. The household-by-household transcriptions offer insights into occupational tools, house configurations, and additional buildings, alongside mentions of neighborhoods and roads. Discover the diverse land types held by individuals, and for the first time, access information about tenants, often overlooked in historical records, complete with racial designations. Genealogists and local historians will compare these households with surviving colonial census records and gain a deeper understanding of Warwick families in the late eighteenth century.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: New Releases]
 Rhode Island State Census for Genealogists
by Diane MacLean Boumenot, CG. 2021, paperback, 8 1/2 x 11, 63 pages. ISBN 979-8-9852266-0-7
It's the smallest state with the biggest census collection! The colony and state of Rhode Island enumerated residents many times in its history, this book guides you to finding ancestors in the state census online. Surviving census collections for the colonial era and a set of seven detailed statewide collections from 1865 to 1935 (1895 was destroyed) offer unusual details not found in other census data. This guide offers meticulous blank form recreations, a town formation guide, details taken from the enumerator's instructions including abbreciations, web locations of the data, and sample citations.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Davisville, Rhode Island
Davisville, Rhode Island
by George Loxton, 2001, Hard cover. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press,
460 p. Includes: illustrations, index, bibliography.
Full title: Davisville, Rhode Island: A History of the Textile Mill Village of Davisville, North Kingstown, Rhode Island, Since the Arrival of Joshua Davis in 1694
Davisville has a fascinating history, covering the original land purchases of the 1600s, the arrival of Joshua Davis in 1694, the development of the "Davis Mills" settlement in the 1700s, and the growth and decline of a vibrant and complete mill village in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Edward Larkin of Rhode Island : Freeman of Newport 1655 & of Westerly 1664, The First 6 Generations
by Elizabeth Brock Larkin
Saline, Michigan: McNaughton & Gunn for Bruce D. Larkin, 2004.
Hardover, 474 pages, indexed.
ISBN: 0-9615790-4-8
Edward Larkin was born in about 1616 and was living in Newport, Rhode Island in 1655. He married Lydia about 1667 and they had five known children. Descendants and relatives lived mainly in Rhode Island and New York. Six generations of Larkins are included with seventh children listed when known. Mrs. Larkin continued the researcher after her husband's death in 1979, and had just finished the text at the time of her death in 2003. The book was brought to completion by Jane Fiske with the help of Bruce D. Larkin, John W. Fiske, and others.
Includes Babcock, Baker, Bliven, Briggs, Burdick, Carpenter, Champlin, Crandall, Dewey, Essex, Field, Gardiner, Green, Hopkins, Kenyon, Kinyon, Maxon, Palmer, Potter, Wilbur and related families.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: New Releases]
 A Crandall Family Reader
Articles about John Crandall and His People
Compiled by Judith Crandall Harbold and Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG
(Northboro, MA: Judith Crandall Harbold, 2021). Paperback, 244 + xi pages,
indexed, illustrated. ISBN #978-0-578-69082-7.
The Rhode Island Genealogical Society is happy to announce that a revised version of A Crandall Family Reader, a compilation of recent scholarship on the immigrant ancestor and his descendants, is just off the press. Research into the life and family of John Crandall that has been dominated since 1949 by John Cortland Crandall’s Elder John Crandall of Rhode Island and His Descendants. Valuable as that book has been, genealogical standards and tools have evolved, and much excellent work has been published in different journals since the turn of the 21st century. The new material has been difficult to find. A Crandall Family Reader contains all the updates on John Crandall and his descendants in one place, carefully indexed. The rationale for changes to the genealogy in Elder John Crandall and derivative sites on the internet is presented. This new book features Paul Gifford’s newly revised article on the origins of the Crandall family in England as well as a four-part series of articles on the immigrant John Crandall’s life with considerable detail on his children. We include a transcription of Samuel Hubbard’s diary, a source that provides some of the best information on those early days in Newport and Westerly, Rhode Island. In one chapter, Jeff Howe describes how he found that a granddaughter of John Crandall fit in neatly as a lost wife in his Church family. Moving on to later generations, readers will find an article on Mintas Crandall, a black Revolutionary War soldier, and Joseph Crandall from upstate New York, who served briefly in the War of 1812. Joseph leads to his son, Adirondack guide Christopher Columbus Crandall whose long-suffering wife is studied. A new article on Judith Harbold’s Civil War soldier great-grandfather rounds out the genealogy. It is all wrapped up with Earl P. Crandall’s classic piece on the Crandall Coat of Arms and his pet project to discredit the idea that Crandalls ever had a crest at all.
This book was edited by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, genealogist and editor of Rhode Island Roots where many of the articles first appeared. Updates were again reviewed, reformatted, and coordinated. This handsome book is a giant step forward in research into the Crandalls and allied families. We hope that you enjoy it.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 John Clarke's World
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg FASG and Judith Crandall Harbold,, 2018, Rhode Island Genealogical Society, Hope, R.I.
10x7, hardcover, dustjacket, 462+xxxiv pages. Illustrations, genealogical charts, maps, bibliography, index. ISBN 978-0-9827665-4-5.
JOHN CLARKE, one of the founders of Rhode Island, lived in a world very different from ours, a world of wonders, of religious explanations for natural and social events, of new beginnings and profound dislocation in his native country. He remains a more elusive figure than Roger Williams or Samuel Gorton. Nonetheless, John Clarke had brothers and sisters, three wives, friends and enemies, as well as communities of faith in America and in England. This book explores these connections as well as the settings of John Clarke’s life: the village in which he grew up, the towns he helped to found in Rhode Island, and the vast metropolis of London in which he won the Rhode Island Charter of 1663. Against the passionate opposition of Rhode Island’s neighbors, John Clarke’s championship of toleration of religion helped to make it one of America’s core principles.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
Richard Bowen (1594?-1675) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts and His Descendants Vol. 1
Volume 1 - Generations 1- 3
by William B, Saxbe, Jr
Hope, RI, Rhode Island Genealogical Society, 353 + xii pages, 2011
hard cover, library binding, illustrated, bibliography, index of names. ISBN 978-0-615-49315-2.
Volume One of Richard Bowen (1594?-1675) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts and His Descendants, by William B, Saxbe, Jr., CG, FASG,.covers the first three generations of this large family in meticulous Register format.
Although permanently out of stock, the book can be acccessed online for free at the following link:
Last Updated: 29 May 2024 [Located in Category: Out of Stock]
 Richard Bowen (1594?-1675) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts and His Descendants Vols, 2-4
by William B. Saxbe, Jr., CG, FASG, 2011 - 2015.
This three volume set includes:
Volume 2 - Generation 4
This volume covers the fourth generation of the Bowen family.
Volume 3 - Generations 5 and 6
This volume covers the fifth generation of the Bowen family and the great-great-grandchildren of Richard1 Bowen through his grandsons in the third generation from the first birth in 1704 to the last death in 1854. The sixth generation, treated in less detail, includes members who lived to 1884. Bowen descendants will be particularly interested in information on DNA testing.
Volume 4 - Unassigned Bowen Records
With Additions and Corrections to Volumes 1, 2, and 3.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
The Tillinghasts in America - The First Four Generations (eBook)
*PLEASE NOTE: This book is available in electronic format and available for download ONLY. We no longer have printed copies available for purchase. The ebook transaction is not done automatically and must be manually processed so you will not receive the book immediately.
Thank you for your patience.
by Wayne G. Tillinghast
Hope RI: Rhode Island Genealogical Society, originally published in book form 2006, Digital Version 2013
513 pages plus appendix, name index and notes
Available in ePub format for Kindle and other devices.
The Return of a Classic!
The Tillinghasts in America The First Four Generations was published in 2006 to the delight of researchers of early Rhode Island genealogy and the acclaim of critics. It received the Donald L. Jacobus Award from the American Society of Genealogists as an outstanding genealogical work. Unfortunately for readers, the small run of books was quickly sold out. Now the book is once again available, this time in digital format with full linking.
This book is a rich source of genealogical information on the Tillinghast family. Pardon Tillinghast, his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren played major roles in the life of the colony and young state.The author traces both males and female lines with abundant detail and meticulous documentation. Families in Newport, Kent County, Washington County, Rhode Island, New London, Connecticut, and Swansea and Rehoboth, Massachusetts are also studied in depth.
Last Updated: 29 May 2024 [Located in Category: eBooks]
 VOICES of Rhode Island's Italian-Americans
Barbara R. Carroll
(Providence: Italian American Historical Society of Rhode Island, 2012).
Soft cover, 192 pp., illustrated with some 300 photographs, appendix.
This book includes material from oral histories collected by members of Society over two years. It is divided into sections on the emigration from their native country, daily life in Rhode Island, and return to Italy.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 1797 The Year the Elephant Visited Providence
by Wayne G. Tillinghast
Hope RI: Rhode Island Genealogical Society, 2010
Soft cover, 248 pages, 6 x 9 inches, illustrated, appendices, bibliography, and index. ISBN 978-0-9827665-0-7.
From this entertaining tale of life in Providence during the year 1797, we discover the varied interests and concerns of the people who lived there at that time. They engaged in a joyous and lengthy celebration of President John Adams and a subsequent repeated celebration of the anniversary of American Independence. From the detailed offerings of the various merchants and tradesmen we are apprised of what was sought in the marketplace. We become aware of the nature of goods exported and imported in the foreign maritime trade as well as the identity of the various merchants, sea captains, and vessel-owners.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Newport, Rhode Island Colonial Burial Grounds
by RIGS members John Eylers Sterling, Barbara J. Austin, and Letty Champion; ed.Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG, 546 pages, 2009.
The Rhode Island Genealogical Society is pleased to announce its Special Publication No. 10. Researchers who have used the Rhode Island Historic Cemetery Database over the last twenty years or any of the cemetery books inspired by it can rejoice over this new publication. Although Newport was the most important city in colonial Rhode Island, its early burial grounds have never previously been comprehensively transcribed in a single, beautifully illustrated book.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Cemetery Books]
 Thomas Clemence of Providence, Rhode Island and his descendants to the year 2007
Jane Fletcher Fiske for Roberta Stokes Smith (Greenville, R.I.: Rhode Island Genealogical Society, 2007).
Hardcover, 433+xxx pages, indexed, black-and-white illustrations.
ISBN 0-9604144-6-5.
This book covers all that can be learned of the immigrant Thomas Clemence who arrived in Providence ca. 1644, roughly the same time as Pardon Tillinghast. Readers who enjoyed Tillinghasts in America, The First Four Generations by Wayne G. Tillinghast will welcome the patient exploration of the Clemence family at that time in Rhode Island history. The discussion of Thomas Clemence's English background and possible connections with other settlers is particularly fascinating. The book does not stop with the very early generations but includes accounts of Thomas Clemence's descendants in the male line to the twelfth generation, right down to the present day. Marriages for Clemence daughters are given, with information about children, but the married names are not carried forward. Descendants include many families still in the Providence area, as well as concentrations in Kansas, Maryland, and elsewhere in the United States.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Historical Cemeteries of South Kingstown, Rhode Island
by John E. Sterling and James L. Wheaton, IV, ed.Cherry Fletcher Bamberg
Hard cover, 653 pp., 2004
A comprehensive recording in the Association for Gravestone Studies format of more than two hundred cemeteries and information on fifty more that are now missing, this massive work is illustrated with hundreds of sketches of fieldstones and a wealth of photographs. Gravestone information is supplemented by entries from "Nailer Tom" Hazard's diary and Daniel Stedman's journal that enrich our understanding of the person buried under the gravestone. Stedman noted, for example, the death of Daniel R. Clarke, who drowned at the age of 25 in 1855: "Drowned Daniel Ransome Clarke in the Saltpond oversot having a heavy Load of fish and the wind bloed very hard.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Cemetery Books]
 Daniel Stedman's Journal, 1826-1859
transcribed by Henry Clay Oatley, Jr., ed. Cherry Fletcher Bamberg
(Greenville, R.I.: Rhode Island, Genealogical Society, 2003)
Soft cover, 464+xxxi pages, indexed, black-and white illustrations.
ISBN 0-9604144-6-0.
Thirty-four years in the life of a farmer, justice of the peace, and shoemaker from South Kingstown are recorded in his journal and transcribed by Henry Oatley in whose family the journal descended. Daniel Stedman, a neighbor of "Nailer Tom" Hazard, another famous diarist of South Kingstown, recorded the events of his daily life during Rhode Island's transition from an agricultural society to an industrial one. Beyond his family life we follow the emergence of the movements promoting temperance and abolition, hear of the circus complete with lions, tigers, and elephants coming to Wakefield, and see the first trickle of Irish immigrants into the community. Blacks and Indians are frequently mentioned. Stedman recorded hundreds of deaths, including a number of suicides. Methods commonly included hanging and cutting one's throat with a razor (among men) and jumping down the family well (among women). A genealogical appendix helps identify members of Daniel's family who are mentioned in the journal. Fully indexed.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Elder John Gorton & the Six Principle Baptist Church of East Greenwich, Rhode Island
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg
(Greenville, R.I.: Rhode Island Genealogical Society, 2001)
Hardcover, 614+xvi pages, indexed, black-and white illustrations.
ISBN 0-9604144-4-4-4.
John Gorton was elder of the Six Principle Church of East Greenwich from 1753 to his death in 1792, and his papers, now at Rhode Island Historical Society, document the life of the church and the many Rhode Islanders who used its services for baptism, marriage, and burial. His records include the names of luminaries like Nathaniel Greene and Catharine Littlefield, as well as sailors, farmers, tradesmen, Indians, slaves, and black and white soldiers in the Revolution. Gorton preached not only to the solid citizens of Kent County but also to people with a full range of human failings: men who abandoned their wives, pregnant brides, deserters, counterfeiters, and even an insane murderer. Footnotes provide hundreds of carefully researched "mini-biographies" of people mentioned. Introduction, index, illustrations.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Elm Grove Cemetery of North Kingstown, Rhode Island
by Althea H. McAleer
Hard cover, 392 pp., 2001.
The sequel to Graveyards of North Kingstown, Rhode Island, this book offers a transcription of the nearly ten thousand gravestones in North Kingstown Historic Cemetery 26 in the Association for Gravestone Studies format. Although Elm Grove Cemetery was opened in the nineteenth century, it contains many earlier burials as families moved graves from small burial grounds to this garden cemetery. Introduction, photographs, indexes.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Cemetery Books]
 The Diary of Capt. Samuel Tillinghast of Warwick, Rhode Island, 1757-1766
ed. by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg
Hard cover, 528 pp., 2000.
An invaluable resource for eighteenth-century Warwick research, this book makes available for the first time a transcription of all three portions of Samuel Tillinghast's diary. A retired sea captain, Tillinghast noted the deaths of hundreds of people during the ten years of his diary, carefully recording the circumstances: Mary Clapp who died with her garters around her neck, the ferryman Nathaniel Hill who drowned off Long Point, old Granny Olney who fell off a lime cart and was run over, the Indian John Absalom who was hanged at Providence for murder, and many more. As many as possible of the people mentioned in the diary are identified in footnotes with substantial genealogical information. Extended introduction, general and name indexes, illustrated with photographs and maps.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Books]
 Coventry, Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries
by Dr. Bill Eddleman and John E. Sterling, ed. Cherry Fletcher Bamberg
Hard cover, 656 pp. 1998
Between 1991 & 1996 Dr. Bill Eddleman and John Sterling of East Greenwich, RI untook a massive task. With a small group of volunteers they researched all early Coventry, Rhode Island cemetery transcripts and visited each cemetery to check existing data and add any new records. Sixty eight previously unregistered cemeteries were found and recorded. In total, 18,325 gravestone inscriptions recorded in 193 historical cemeteries. Using the Association for Gravestone Studies format, they published their findings in 1997.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Cemetery Books]
Last Updated: 1 November 2024 [Located in Category: Other]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: South Kingstown Town Council Records, 1743-1772
(Special Bonus Issue 2024 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda Matthew.
Soft Cover, 158 pp
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Charlestown Town Council Records, 1776-1800
(Special Bonus Issue 2023 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda Matthew.
Soft Cover, 161 pp
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Towns: Charlestown Town Council Records, 1738-1775
(Special Bonus Issue 2022 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda Matthew.
Soft Cover, 152 pp
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Cranston Town Council Records, 1754-1793
(Special Bonus Issue 2021 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 142 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Barrington, Massachusetts, Town Meetings, 1718-1744
(Special Bonus Issue 2020 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Cynthia Comery Ferguson
Soft cover, 78 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Exeter Town Council Records, 1771-1794
(Special Bonus Issue 2019 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Exeter Town Council Records, 1742/3-1771
(Special Bonus Issue 2018 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Middletown Town Council Records, 1784-1811
(Special Bonus Issue 2017 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Also includes Book of Overseers of the Poor, 1754-1801
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Middletown Town Council Records, 1743-1783
(Special Bonus Issue 2016 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 152 pp
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: West Greenwich Town Council Records, 1741-1772
(Special Bonus Issue 2015 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Catherine Hey
Soft cover, 152 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Bristol Town Council Records, 1760-1811
(Special Bonus Issue 2014 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 152 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Warwick Town Council Records, 1781-1801
(Special Bonus Issue 2013 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG
Soft cover
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Warwick Town Council Records, 1742-1780
(Special Bonus Issue 2012 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG
Soft cover, 152 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Scituate Town Council Records, 1731-1786
(Special Bonus Issue 2011 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 152 pp
Last Updated: 6 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Early Coventry Records
(Special Bonus Issue 2010 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Catherine Hey Soft cover, 152 pp.
Last Updated: 6 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: East Greenwich Town Council Records, 1775-1800
(Special Bonus Issue 2009 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG
Soft cover, 152 pp
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: East Greenwich Town Council Records, 1734-1774
(Special Bonus Issue 2008 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg, FASG
Soft cover, 152 pp.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Providence Town Council Records, 1789-1801
(Special Bonus Issue 2007 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 152 pp.
This issue continues the valuable extracts presented in the first Special Bonus Issue, with particular emphasis on the examination of people in Providence without a legal settlement.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]
 Gleanings from Rhode Island Town Records: Providence Town Council Records, 1770-1788
(Special Bonus Issue 2006 of Rhode Island Roots)
by Linda L. Mathew
Soft cover, 152 pp.
Abstracts of genealogical information from Providence Town Council records during a critical period of Rhode Island history, this carefully indexed volume offers a wealth of detail on people hard to discover in other records. Limited quantities.
Last Updated: 12 February 2025 [Located in Category: Gleanings]