RIGS maintains and supports a variety of research resources. Check any of the below menu options for information on genealogy research in Rhode Island and access to these resources.
Surname Research is an especially important feature of our website. Using this tool, which is available to members only, you can send an inquiry via e-mail to another member who is researching the same surname in Rhode Island (or, in some cases, other areas). In this way, you may be able to connect to our members and potentially find a resource for new information. Note that we encourage our members to respond to legitimate inquiries, but they always have a choice as to whether or not they will respond to each inquiry they receive.
RIGS donates funds and other resources to the Greenville and Portsmouth Libraries' genealogical collections. We provide a catalog and listing of the items in those collections.
We have also provided pages of helpful information regarding the collection of genealogical information in Rhode Island. In addition to the pages available to the general public in the Research section, there is also a page that lists Rhode Island Town Researchers that is available to members only.